Changing Sequence in PostgreSQL: A Step-by-Step Guide


In PostgreSQL, sequences are integral for generating unique identifiers, especially for SERIAL or BIGSERIAL columns. Issues with sequences can arise after database migrations or due to automated processes, such as those handled by tools like Retool. This guide provides steps to adjust a sequence associated with an id column in PostgreSQL, with consideration for environments like Retool that automate database operations.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify the Sequence Name

    First, determine the name of the sequence associated with your table and column. Use the pg_get_serial_sequence function:

    SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('your_table_name', 'id');

    Replace 'your_table_name' with your actual table name and 'id' with the column name ('id' in your case).

  2. Check Current Maximum Value

    Find the current maximum value of the id column to set the sequence correctly:

    SELECT MAX(id) FROM your_table_name;
  3. Reset the Sequence

    Use SETVAL to adjust the sequence to the desired next value:

    SELECT setval('your_sequence_name', your_next_value);

    Replace 'your_sequence_name' with the sequence name obtained in step 1, and your_next_value with the appropriate next value based on the maximum id value.

  4. Verify the Sequence

    Confirm the sequence update by checking its next value:

    SELECT nextval('your_sequence_name');

Example Scenario

Assuming you’re using Retool and encountered sequence issues after a migration:

  1. Identify the Sequence Name

    SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('users', 'id');
    -- This might return 'public.clients_client_id_seq' based on your setup in Retool.
  2. Check Current Maximum Value

    SELECT MAX(id) FROM users;
    -- Assuming this returns 100, indicating the next id should start from 101.
  3. Reset the Sequence

    SELECT setval('public.clients_client_id_seq', 101);
  4. Verify the Sequence

    SELECT nextval('public.clients_client_id_seq');
    -- This should return 101 if the sequence was set correctly.


Managing sequences in PostgreSQL is crucial for ensuring database integrity, especially in environments where automated processes like Retool handle migrations. By following these steps, you can effectively adjust sequences and prevent issues such as duplicate key errors in your PostgreSQL database managed by Retool.